
Join us for the annual Chilliwack/Vedder Clean-up on BC River’s Day!



This great event is hosted by the Chilliwack/Vedder River Clean-Up Society. They do a fantastic job every year coordinating a giant garbage pick-up followed by a barbecue, entertainment, displays and prizes, all to celebrate our wonderful local Rivers!

We need your help to clean up our adopted portion of the River!
We’re looking for volunteers to help us clean up our adopted section of the river – a beautiful area downstream of the Tamahi Bridge (as you can see in the photo above).

Event Details

Location: Chilliwack Fish and Game Club (48685 Chilliwack Lake Road)

Date: Sunday, September 25, 2018. RAIN OR SHINE.

Time: Arrive for Registration at 8:30 am. Clean up starts at 9:00.
BBQ lunch for volunteers is served at 12:30. Prize Raffle at 1:00!Come prepared to spend the day outside!
  • Wear weather-appropriate clothing & sturdy footwear (rubber boots recommended)
  • All tools and equipment will be provided by the FVC and the Chilliwack/Vedder River Clean-up Society
  • Bring a water bottle, and your own mug for coffee and tea
BBQ will be provided for everyone who helps out!
It would be great if you could let us know ahead of time, so we can help co-ordinate carpooling if needed, and keep an eye out for you at the event. Or, feel free to just show up the day of – they need as many people as possible to help out.
To RSVP to this event, email info@fraservalleyconservancy.ca.