The amphibians of Ryder Lake are on the move again!  We are currently looking for tough volunteers to help with night time amphibian surveys as a component of our Ryder Lake Amphibian Protection Project.  The objective of this survey is to determine the effectiveness of an amphibian crossing structure at reducing road mortality.  We will be counting live and dead amphibians along a stretch of Ryder Lake and Elk View roads in Chilliwack, BC.

Volunteers must be prepared to walk 6 km in cold, dark and wet conditions while hunting for amphibians.  Surveys will start after dark and last until the survey is complete, generally 1-4 hours.  You will need warm gloves, waterproof jacket, waterproof pants and boots.  Surveys will be conducted starting in February.  Unfortunately, surveys cannot be planned far in advance as they are completely dependent on rainy weather.

If you are interested in volunteering for this project please e-mail Kendra (projects@fraservalleyconservancy.ca) and you will be added to a contact list.  I will send out a mass e-mail to the contact list with as much notice as possible before each survey.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to e-mail or call (604-625-0066).