
This is the landing page for the Ryder Lake Western Toad migration! Updates about the toad migration will be posted here between June and August annually.

When toads are moving on the roads you can help their migration by taking the voluntary detour.

How to use this page -> The top post is the most recent update, scroll down to see older posts, including ones from 2023. 

If you live in Ryder Lake and have toad updates for our team, contact Jenn at Jenn@fraservalleyconservancy.ca

Want to learn more about the FVC’s amphibian work in Ryder Lake? Click here to visit the Ryder Lake Amphibian Protection Page.

Check back soon!

July 23rd, 2024

So far, the toadlets are listening to our advice and staying behind the fence. There are toadlets crossing the road at Elk View, near the Toad Tunnel, but for the most part they are being directed to culverts and the Toad Tunnel itself by fencing. We are still encouraging people to take the detour even if they can’t see toadlets on the road; they are there just in small numbers, and if they go around the fence, we could see a lot more on the road any time.

Click here to learn more and view a detour map.

This not-so-clear photo shows some of the toadlets on the other side of the fence. So far, it is keeping the bulk of the migration off the road!


July 19th, 2024

There are toadlets on the road! We have set up the voluntary detour and encourage people living and travelling in Ryder Lake to follow it when possible. Click here to learn more and view a detour map. If you want a paper copy of the map, we also have an info sign with brochures by the Ryder Lake Community Board on Elk View.

So far, there are only a few toadlets on Elk View, but we expect to see more over the weekend.

We also do surveys of the toadlets, so keep an eye out for people working on the roads next week!

July 17, 2024

The toads this year are really taking their time getting to the road! They are currently hanging out beside the wetland, waiting for the perfect moment to move. Expect toadlets on the road any day now!

Detour signs will be revealed as soon as there are toads on the road. Keep an eye out for more updates.

July 11, 2024

The toadlets are starting to hang out on the edge of the wetland. This little one has all its legs and has almost completely absorbed its tail!

Expect to see toadlets on the road in the next few days!

The detour signs will be unveiled as soon as we have toadlets on the road, so look out for that as well! These signs are currently covered in garbage bags.

Keep checking back for updates!

June 29th, 2024

They have legs! Very small ones.

These little toad tadpoles are still in the wetland and are probably a week to a week and a half away from travelling across the road.

Check back soon for more updates.

June 25th, 2024


Fencing Install Event June 29th, 2024!

If you are interested in the toads and want to help, we have an event coming up that might interest you! We will install temporary fencing on Elk View Road on Monday, June 29th! Click here to learn more about this opportunity.

June 21st, 2024

We have been checking on the Western Toad tadpoles in Ryder Lake, and they are almost ready to start moving! Wednesday, they were tadpoles with no legs, so we still have some time, but expect the full migration within a couple of weeks.


Keep checking in for more updates!

July 20th, 2023

We have toadlets on the road again! This time we have toadlets moving on Huston Road! This means we are changing the detour signage to reflect this new path. Elk View Road has very little toadlets on it and is clear for travel. Huston Road between Ryder Lake Road and Elk View Road is now the main area with toadlets on the road. Please avoid this area!!

July 17th, 2023

It has been a slow toad year for our team! Luckily, a slow year means that most toadlets are making it to the toad tunnel and other road culverts and crossing the road without getting hit. We are leaving the detour signage up for now, so continue to follow the detour.

July 11th, 2023

There are toadlets on the road! We have set up the voluntary detour and encourage people living and travelling in Ryder Lake to follow this detour when possible. Click here to learn more and to view a detour map. If you want a paper copy of the map, we also have an info sign with brochures by the Ryder Lake Community Board on Elk View.

So far, we have only seen a few hundred toadlets on Elk View Rd by the Toad Tunnel and on Ryder Lake Rd between Huston Rd and Elk View Rd.

If you want to view the toadlet migration, please park at the designated parking area (there is a sign north of the Toad Tunnel on Elk View) or further away.

We also do surveys of the toadlets, so keep an eye out for people working on the roads!

July 5th, 2023

Any day now!

The toads in Ryder Lake are getting ready to move! It still looks like they will cross Ryder Lake Rd. rather than Elk View Rd! Keep an eye out and avoid driving on Ryder Lake Rd. between Huston Rd. and Elk View Rd.

The detour signs will probably be unveiled over the weekend, so look out for that as well. These signs are currently covered in garbage bags and will only be uncovered when we have confirmed toadlets on the road.

June 29th, 2023

The toads in Ryder Lake are getting ready to move! Some are still tadpoles, but others are starting to look very toad-like. Right now, it looks like they will cross Ryder Lake Rd. rather than Elk View Rd! Keep an eye out and avoid driving on Ryder Lake Rd. between Huston Rd. and Elk View Rd. this long weekend!

Our fencing event will still be happening as planned on Monday, July 3rd.

And look out for the unveiling of the detour signs within the next few days! These signs are currently covered in garbage bags and will only be uncovered when we have confirmed toadlets on the road.

June 27th, 2023


Fencing Install Event July 3rd, 2023!

If you are interested in the toads and want to help, we have an event coming up that might interest you! We will install temporary fencing on Elk View Road on Monday, July 3rd! Click here to learn more about this opportunity.




June 22th, 2023

The toad tadpoles in the Ryder Lake neighbourhood are starting to develop back legs! Jenn had the chance to check on them and snap some photos! This little one has tiny back legs visible and is sitting out in the sun.

We expect things to progress quickly with the hot weather predicted next week.

Check back for more updates soon!

June 19th, 2023



The toad tadpoles have been hard to spot in the wetland so we don’t have any toad photos to share yet.

This is a little Pacific Treefrog tadpole found in the Ryder Lake neighbourhood over the weekend. We can see the little back legs starting to come in! Checking all tadpole development can help us get a sense of when the Western Toad tadpoles will start to move.

NOTE: This tadpole was captured by hand by a professional with clean hands and was handled for a very small amount of time! In general, we recommend catching tadpoles with a net and taking photos in a bucket or smaller container if they are being captured at all.

Check back for more updates soon!