What is the Screech-Owl Monitoring Program?
This program helps stabilize and monitor Western Screech-Owls in the Lower Mainland.
The Western Screech-Owl (Megascops kennicottii) is a species at risk of extinction. In British Columbia, two subspecies of Western Screech-Owl (kennicottii and macfarlanei) are found in different parts of the province: kennicottii on the South coast, and macfarlanei in the South-central interior. It is estimated that this species has seen a 90% population decline in recent years, with only 750-1500 breeding-aged kennicottii subspecies individuals thought to remain in the wild.
The Fraser Valley Conservancy’s monitoring program focuses on the kennicottii subspecies.
By installing and monitoring nest boxes, we provide habitat opportunities for Western Screech-Owls and learn more about how to protect the population.