We are seeking input from the community so we can create an effective management plan:

  • Have you seen or heard Bullfrogs in this neighbourhood?
  • Do you have a pond on your property where amphibians breed?
Contact Aleesha@FraserValleyConservancy.ca to report a Bullfrog detection, or with any amphibian questions you have!

It is really important to know the differences between our native Western Toads and the invasive Bullfrogs.

If you missed our presentation at the hall, you can learn more by reading the Bullfrogs at Ryder Lake presentation

Also check out our useful guides:
Amphibian Identification
Egg Mass Identification
Bullfrog Control Guide
Listen to the audio clips below to learn the differences between our native Western Toad and Chorus Frog and the invasive Bullfrog and Green Frog:


This important project is made possible by financial support from: