The Windebank Creek Property

Windebank Creek is a valuable waterway in Mission where salmon spawn.

The FVC protects and restores almost a hectare of the creek’s important riparian habitat.  

The FVC and our volunteers have spent many hours restoring the property. Activities have included the planting of over 2500 native plants and the control of invasive plants like Himalayan blackberry and morning glory.  

Over the years, our restoration efforts have increased biodiversity and vital wildlife habitat in a highly urban environment. Wildlife including racoons, coyotes, and songbirds use it as a travel corridor through Mission, in a city with shrinking habitat.

Both coho and chum salmon return to the creek to spawn in the fall, and juvenile coho rear here until they head out to the ocean.

The Windebank Creek property is also potential habitat for the endangered Oregon Forestsnail. The property is especially valuable to the forestsnail as much of its’ habitat in the area is being lost to development.

How to get involved

The restoration and stewardship of the Windebank Creek property has been a huge community undertaking.

We have recently launched the Habitat Healer Volunteer Program to form a dedicated team of Mission residents to help steward and restore this property, and other green spaces in Mission.

By joining the Habitat Healers, you receive free in-person workshops, hands-on training, and the opportunity to make Mission a happier and healthier ecosystem for people, plants, animals, and fungi!

Windebank volunteer at a distance 2018

Management Goals

Goal 1

Restore, maintain, and protect natural ecological processes and riparian habitat on the property.

Goal 2

Increase spawning habitat for salmonids.

Goal 3

Enhance habitat for native species, monitor for species at risk, and gain a better understanding of the habitat requirements of the species we are trying to conserve.

Goal 4

Increase public involvement and establish the site as a focal point for environmental stewardship, education, and conservation in the community.